Historical rehabilitation tax credits can benefit you by:

  • Encouraging private sector investment in the rehabilitation and re-use of historic buildings.
  • Providing a 20% income tax credit for income-producing properties that are determined to be “certified historic structures.” 
  • Providing an alternative 10% tax credit for the rehabilitation of non-historic non-residential buildings placed in service before 1936. 

Eligibility requirements per 36 CFR § 67  and 26 U.S. Code § 47:

  1. Properties should be at least 50 years old and eligible for listing on the National Registry of Historic Places and/or located within a National Register District or is of historic significance to such District.
  2. Properties must be in need of substantial rehabilitation with the total rehabilitation expenditures during the 24-month period selected being greater than the owner's adjusted tax basis in the building.  If completed in phases then the period is extended to a 60-month period.
  3. Alterations must maintain, preserve, and protect the character-defining features of the historic property by not damaging the historic integrity of the building, (roughly 75% or more fo the existing external walls and internal structural framework).
  4. The end goal must be an income producing property that is consistent with the historic character of the district in which such property is located. Adaptive re-use rehabilitations are often the main motivation for purchasing a historic building.